Are you on a journey to becoming your best self? Digg Deep Fitness to achieve all of your body goals.
Ready for action? Digg Deep understands change can be challenging. Our goal is to partner with you to help you overcome obstacles and stay motivated along the way! We specialize in weight loss, strength training, and nutrition coaching. While transforming your mind and body, we also aim to transform your life. We will work together to take a big leap and move toward your highest aspirations.
Digging deep is about pushing through comfort zones, overcoming obstacles and barriers, and leaving ourselves completely open to becoming our best selves. I believe that having optimal health is a necessary part of that process. When you look and feel great, it truly impacts all other areas of your life. A quote that I live by is: “It’s not who you are that holds you back. It’s who you think you’re not.
Owners: Joy Diggs
Location: 2215 Lawrence St, Houston, TX 77008
Contact: 281.660.5525
Social Media: IG: @diggdeepfitness
Key Words: Fitness Meal Prep